Monográfiák, tanulmánykötetek, forráskiadványok


Biserica de alaturi. Cateva rituri necercetate ale ciobanilor din Carpati. Studiu de etnologie asupra religiozitatii pastorale.


Volumul se refera la trei ansambluri de rituri si legende care, impreuna, dau seama asupra unei maniere specifice prin care un grup anume de credinciosi isi asuma crestinismul, doctrina si practicile sale, deopotriva in spatiile consacrate liturgic si in afara lor. Este vorba despre nunta dupa brazi si biserica pe frontiera, consumul de muguri in loc de anafura de Pasti, spovedania la arbore etc. Analizele pe care le-am intreprins ne-au condus in fata unei forme aparte, aproape disparute, a religiozitatii crestine, configurata in conditii ale solitudinii, locuirii sezoniere pe munte si in afara asezarilor "domestice", liminalitatii, itinerantei si profesiei pastorale, o religiozitate care confera naturii vegetale rolul de mediator intre Dumnezeu si credinciosul uman.

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Institutul European


Pages / Size: 230

ISBN szám

ISBN 978-606-24-0274-7


study book (English)


Charms and Charming. Studies on Magic in Everyday Life


This book presents the studies of 18 renowned researchers of the verbal aspects of everyday magic, focusing on the richest and most poetic manifestations of verbal magic – the charm or incantation. Verbal charm is a prevalent folklore genre, containing very old magical elements. The studies cover a wide spectrum of countries, from the United Kingdom to Russia and Iran. The researchers have devoted their attention to phenomenological and theoretical studies of incantations and have discussed various topics, from the origin of charms and ancient European magical practices to the reception and diffusion of different types of charms. Éva Pócs is Professor Emeritus and Principal Investigator of the ERC project “East-West” at the University of Pécs, Department of Ethnology and Cultural Anthropology and at the Institute of Ethnology of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Her research interests center on religious anthropology, including the study of the cult of the dead, divination, witchcraft, shamanism as well as the comprehensive analysis of modern folk religion and folk beliefs. She has 512 academic publications, 14 of which are books, including Fairies and Witches at the Boundary of South-Eastern and Central Europe (1989) and Between the Living and the Dead. A Perspective on Seers and Witches in the Early Modern Age (1999). STUDIA MYTHOLOGICA SLAVICA – SUPPLEMENTA Supplementum 15 Editors of the Series: Monika Kropej, Andrej Pleterski, Vlado Nartnik

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Znanstvenoraziskovalni center SAZU, Inštitut za slovensko narodopisje / Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Institute of Slovenian Ethnology, LJUBLJANA


Pages / Size: 314 / A5

ISBN szám

ISBN 978-961-05-0215-9


study book (English)




The present collection of papers is based on the proceedings of an interdisciplinary conference held in 2017. The aim of this event was to explore the complex interconnections of present and past, the interactions between contemporary research and the historical perspective. Participants were seeking to answer how and whether it was possible to study the present with the help of the past and to probe into the past with the help of the present; how the present may be understood with the help of the past and, vice versa; what connections between present and past could be studied today, and how and for what purposes present day societies "use" the past. The papers in this volume offer illustrations of the methodological heritage of past research traditions, as well as new results offered by modern investigations. Some of the articles also point out erroneous findings of past research, while opening up new ways of understanding existing source materials. The volume is divided into two parts. Papers in the first section explore two aspects of the connection between past and present: continuity and change. Works in the second part examine the ways in which the past appear in the present, not only through research, but also by probing into how contemporary communities relate to the past, how, and in what types of social and ideological situations they interpret and re-construe the past, and how and to what purposes they make use of those constructs. The papers of Hungarian, Austrian, Russian, Serbian, Spanish, Romanian, Slovenian, Udmurt and Norwegian scholars illustrate these methodological problems by exploring various fields of vernacular religion and magic. They offer insight into various topics from apocryphal legends about the creation of man, the hypothetical Hungarian shamanic drum, and divinely inspired medieval prophets to the life of contemporary Romanian and Gypsy charismatic communities, anti-clerical Soviet jokes, and modern UFO mythology. We warmly recommend this volume not only to scholars of human sciences, but also to anybody with an interest in old and new phenomena of religion. Edited by ÁGNES HESZ, ÉVA PÓCS

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Balassi Kiadó


Pages / Size: 418 / A5

ISBN szám

ISBN 978-963-456-056-2


tanulmánykötet (magyar)




A kötet olyan vallásfenomenológiai leírásokat és problémafelvető, értelmező tanulmányokat kísérelt meg összegyűjteni, amelyek megvilágítják az áldozat, divináció és istenítélet egyes rendszereinek szerepét a különböző vallási kultúrákban, egymással való kapcsolataikat és helyüket a hivatalos és népi vallásban, valamint az európai társadalmak helyi közösségeiben, a keresztény valláson – és felekezeti variánsain – belül, és azon kívül is. Számba veszi a vallásantropológiai fogalmak interdiszciplináris megközelítésével a folklorisztika, antropológia, vallástudomány, művelődéstörténet, pszichiátria és egyéb tudományágak legújabb kutatási eredményeit e témákban.

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Balassi Kiadó


464 oldal, fekete-fehér képek,12 oldal színes képmelléklet Kötés: papírtábla Fomátum: B/5

ISBN szám

ISBN 978-963-456-028-9 ISSN 1418-2734

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