Titulus / Title
(PhD, research-worker/tudományos munkatárs)
Introduction / Bemutatkozás
Laura Jiga Iliescu is a folklorist from Romania. She defended her doctoral dissertation (2003) on the topic of orality and literacy in early modern Europe (as expressed through Alexander Romance, hagiographic legends, and a funeral commemoration). She earned a postdoctoral fellowship at the Romanian Academy in 2011/2012 and few other scholarship at CNRS and EHESS, France. Main areas of interest: traditional, modern and virtual religious narratives, rituals and practices; the internalization of space through legends, rituals and movementg; ethnology of the mountain; charms; oral performance; creating and archiving oral culture documents. She published two books and was co-author of other four volumes. Currently she is working as senior researcher at the „Constantin Brailoiu” Institute of Ethnography and Folklore in the Romanian Academy (Bucharest) and visiting professor at the University in Bucharest, Department of Ethnology and the Center of Excellence in the Study of Image (MA classes).
Research field / Kutatási terület
In the frame of the East-West project her research explores: how people internalize liturgical knowledge and put them in practice through rituals and narratives; the act of sacred knowledge transmission during the ethnological interview; devotional writtings in contemporary times. She conducted fieldwork in Romania. Her book concerns a certain form of Christian religiosity configured in relation with the sheep breeding profession and transhumance, the mountain and the nature, as expressed through a complex of three rituals performed in the Carpathians: the church outside the village, confession at a tree, eating buds at Easter.
Fontosabb publikációk / Selected publications

2018: Who Told That Story? Archiving Supernatural Encounter Narratives and the Voices of the Documents. (FFC 315.) Turku, Finland: 257–278.

2018: Monografia tipologică a Sf. Ilie in folclorul românesc [The typological monography of St. Elijah in the Romanian Folklore]. (Colecția Națională de Folclor.) București: Editura Academiei Române. (Forthcoming).

2017: Contributions ethnologiques au dossier des peintures murales endommagées en Roumanie. Museikon 1: 107–122.

2017: Patrimoniu, restaurare și miracol la Mănăstirea Surpatele [Heritage, restauration and miracles at Surpatele Monastery]. Year Book of the „Constantin Brailoiu” Institute of Ethnography and Folklore (New series) 27: 445–458.

2014: The Golden Characters of the Letter Fallen from Heaven. A Study Case from the First World War. Incantatio. An International Journal on Charms, Charmers and Charming 4: 95–111.

2013: Structuri mentalitare carpatice. Naraţiuni, ritualuri, habitat la comunităţile locale [Narratives, rituals and living space at local Carpathian communities]. Bucureşti: The National Museum of the Romanian Literature Publishing.

2013: The Ambiguous Dragon: Considerations on Abduction and Marriage in Legends about the Fair of the Two Lands. Journal of Ethnography and Folklore (New series) 1–2: 51–62.

2011: The one who handles the book: some considerations on the gesture of reading aloud as it appears in formalized folk narratives and in the context of tradition. Journal of Ethnography and Folklore (New series) 1–2.

2010: The one who chains the Death, in the case of Romanian folklore. In Cristina Bogdan – Silvia Marin-Barutcieff (eds): Actes du XIVème Congrès International d’Études sur les Danses Macabres et l’Art macabre en Généreal. Bucureşti: Editura Universităţii din Bucureşti, 230–237.

2006: Des Saints et des miracles pour tous. In Lavinia Bârlogeanu (dir.): „Identité et globalisation. Les Actes du Colloque International «Identité et globalosation» (1-3 juin 2005, Bucarest). București: Editura Educaţia 2000+ – Editura Humanitas Educaţional, 86–94.

2006: Răsplata paradisului. Filoane livreşti şi orale ale credinţelor despre Blajini, în spaţiul românesc [The reward of Paradise. Oral and written channels for creating and transmitting legends about the Happy Ones, in the Romanian space]. Bucureşti: Romanian Academy Publishing.

2006: Virtual pilgrimage. What is this and how to research it. Symposia. Journal for Studies in Ethnology and Anthropology 385–397.

2005: Religie şi etnicitate într-o zonă multiconfesională şi multietnică a Transilvaniei [Religion and ethnicity in a multiconfessional and multiethnic region of Transylvania]. In Lavinia Bârlogeanu – Alexandru Crişan. (eds): Ghid de politici interculturale. București: Educaţia 2000+ – Editura Humanitas Educaţional Publishing, 69-81.

2004: Political and religious meanings of St. Filofteia’s death. Symposia. Journal for Studies in Ethnology and Anthropology 253–263.

Az ERC projekt keretében megjelent publikációk / Works published in the project

2020: Biserica de alaturi. Cateva rituri necercetate ale ciobanilor din Carpati - Studiu de etnologie asupra religiozitatii pastorale. Institutul European. Academica.

2020: Human, Sin, Forgiveness and Nature from the PerspectiveHuman, Sin, Forgiveness and Nature from the Perspectiveof a Carpathian Ritual; An Ethnological Approach to an AlmostTheological Issue. In: Present and Past in The Study of Religion and Magic. Edited by Ágnes Hesz and Éva Pócs. Religious Anthropological Studies in Central Eastern Europe 7. Series editor Éva Pócs. Balassi Kiadó. Budapest, 111-128.

2018: Sub coroana bradului. Spații de hotar și practică religioasă la păstorii din Carpații Meridionali [Under the fir canopy. Places of boundary and religious practice for shepherds of the Southern Carpathians]. (Forthcoming).

2018: New contexts for sacred knowledge transmission. A case study from the Carpathian mountains. Acta Ethnographica Hungarica 63 (1): 49–62.

2018: What to say while using dust from the saints’eyes. Incantatio. An International Journal on Charms, Charmers and Charming. Issue 7. (Forthcoming).

2018: Human, sin, forgiveness and nature from the perspective of a Carpathian ritual. An ethnologic approach of an almost theologic issue. In Ágnes Hesz – Éva Pócs (eds): Present and Past conference volume. (Forthcoming).

2018: Saint Elijah and the fairies: identifying the protagonists of a therapeutic case. In Éva Pócs – James Kapalo (eds): Charms, Charmers and Charming, Budapest: CEU Press. (Forthcoming).

2017: Por a szentek szeméből – kísérlet egy rejtett rítus rekonstrukciójára. [Dust from the eyes of the saints: An endeavour to reconstruct a hidden rite]. Ethnographia 128: 475–484.